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Blasones y Apellidos
 Fernando Muñoz Altea


Blasones y Apellidos is a complete monumental limited edition in Spanish. The set of three books have been completely redesigned with imitation leather and foil stamping to form an elegant boxed set.

In 1987, Fernando Muñoz Altea, the author, published for the first time his work which included approximately 250 surnames. The aim of this republication is to preserve the original work and the extensive research that followed. The set of three remastered boxes includes over 750 names, genealogy, origin, code of arms, armory of Spanish, English, Italian and French settlers in Spain and Latin America. It also includes many topics such as The Armory, The Colors of the Armory, The Mottos of the Armory, Terms of the Armory, Symbology, Usual Forms to Construct the Coat of Arms, Japanese Armory, The Genealogy, The Nobleman, The Knight, The Noble Institutions in Spain, The Military Orders, The Genealogy of Jesus Christ, The Origin of the Name of America, The Origin of the Viceroyalty, The Biography of Moctezuma, The Biography of Christopher Columbus and many more.
It will be the delight of anyone who enjoys reading about Hispanic history, genealogy and armory.

Click the image of each volume to see indexes.
Click the image to see family names.

Tan lejos de Dios y del rey y tan cerca de las tentaciones impías

Thomas Hillerkuss
en colaboración con
Anais Karen Yareny Esparza Álvarez


During the period of the vice royalty the handling of funds of the government and church was a sensitive matter.  In the latter part of the 1600’s, Santiago de Vera, the president and governor of Audiencia, investigated the hospital of San Miguel. Click the image to see the index of names of people who appeared in that time during the investigation. 


Click the image to see family names.

Pleito de mineros en Zacatecas
Siglo XVI

Eugenio del Hoyo Cabrera

In 1949, Eugenio del Hoyo Cabrera found a document from 1592 in the supremo tribunal de justicia in the state of Zacatecas listing the names of miners and settlers who were there from 1558-1577.   We find names like Juan de Tolosa, Diego de Ibarra, Cristóbal de Oñate, Baltasar, Temiño de Bañuelos, Andrés de Villanueva, and countless others whose names are listed in the index.  


Ramas, Troncos, y Raíces – Familias Antiguas de México

Gregory Cosio


Much valuable information is listed here that will give beginning researchers ideas on where to begin their investigations of colonial families who resided in various parts of Mexico.  More often than not, people would settle in one area, then on to another making it necessary to look at various locations when searching out a family name. 

Click the image to see family names.

Matrimonio en la Ciudad de México

Patricia S. Hyde Egan de Warren





Click the image to see family names.

Diccionario Biográfico del Occidente Novohispano

Thomas Hillerkuss
ABAD, Antonio de through CUYAMEL, Pedro



Click the image to see family names.

Diccionario Biográfico del Occidente Novohispano 
Thomas Hillerkuss

J-L Anexos

JACINTO through LUZÓN, Pablo de



Diccionario Biográfico del Occidente Novohispano 
Thomas Hillerkuss

M-1: MACARIO, Alonso through MEJIA, Tome

M-2: MEJCANA through MYLE

Click image to see family names.


Árboles genealógicos
Listado geográfico
Listado alfabético de los registros
Fuentes de archivos
Obras publicados, manuscritos y de internet

$142 for the set of three

Click the image to see family names.

Noticias genealógicas sobre familias del antiguo obispado de Michoacán I

Armando M. Escobar Obispado


 This book contains hundreds of previously unpublished colonial era records covering baptisms, marriages, and land grants, from 1700 to 1730, for families in Michoacán, Guanajuato, San luis Potosi, Colima, Jalisco, and surrounding areas.  Click on the image to see the last names in this book.



Relacion secreta de conquistadores
Mariano González Leal

The Relación Secreta de Conquistadores contains the names of the earliest Spanish settlers and conquistadors who were living in colonial Mexico between 1519 and 1542.  Renowned Mexican genealogist Mariano González Leal transcribed and published this amazing colonial era report.  And it´s now available for purchase. 

Click the image to see family names.

Noticias genealógicas sobre familias del antiguo obispado de Michoacán I

Armando M. Escobar Obispado


This book contains hundreds of previously unpublished colonial era records covering baptisms, marriages, and land grants, from 1540 to 1649, for families in Michoacán, Guanajuato, San Luis Potosi, Colima, Jalisco, and surrounding areas.  Click on the image to see the last names in this book.

Retoños de España en la Nueva Galicia

 Mariano Gonzalez Leal

A compilation of names and histories done over a 40-year period by the author full of invaluable information about the families of Los Altos and Jalisco and their descendants in other areas of Mexico. Nueva Galicia was a kingdom of New Spain and comprised the modern day states of Jalisco, Zacatecas and Aguascalientes. 

Click the image to see family names.

Familias y Casas de la Vieja Valladolid
Gabriel Ibarrola Arriaga

A fantastic compilation of more than 60 families with over 7000 family names of the people who lived in Valladolid during the 16th to 19th centuries.

A reprint of the original now available, softcover